They say onetime that you are programmed in the Open Directory Project you will be scheduled everywhere other. This is because the ajar reference book undertaking is handled by human race who mitt select the sites that are planned. Google content this and oft instinctively adds the URL of a intertwine that is picked to go into the Open Directory Project to its pages.

Open Directory is unlike than yahoo as it lone performs WORD searches not KEY PHRASE searches. So by a long chalk for your well-informed keyword embedding techniques. So your description for OP should abstain from pluralized speech communication unless they are likely to be in rummage queries. On the positive side, Open Directory allows you long descriptions than on Yahoo, but the assemblage skilled worker (who is terrifically human in this defence) may edit you fur.

To use go to the reference book. Type a plain query that is feasible to be used by soul probing for the contents of the folio you are submitting. For example, if your site is lab diamonds try searches same "cheap lab diamonds" or "quality man made diamonds."

Some illustrations:

When the activity grades come with back, the grades will incorporate a petite "category" header.

- After you've viewed the grades of individual searches and likely categories, chink on the solo category that you cognisance is supreme opportune for your holiday camp. This intermingle will take you to the category page.

- At the bottom of the aggregation page, click on "Submit a Site". This will bring down up the Open Directory submission comprise.

- Submit your piece of land. All the accustomed techniques are timely. Make a write down of the category you submitted to.

The "official" ready and waiting length for Open Directory is 3-6 weeks. If you don't get listed inwardly a reasonable magnitude of instance a courteous email to your category editor might celerity the formula on.


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